Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Sweet Hereafter July 18, 2006: Freed from the restraints of national music

Hey everyone,

Quick story: I took part of Sunday off from thesismaking to partake in an ultimate frisbee tournament. I mention this only because Amanda Putz who hosts a show called Bandwidth on the station that shall not be named (rhymes with EBC) was also in attendance and I got to meet her. While EBC is not always thought of as a great source of music, Amanda and Grant Lawrence do play great music, CFRC-worthy music in fact and it was neat to meet someone that has a national audience. There aren't that many stars in RadioLand but she's as close as I've ever gotten to meet a radio star. Very nice person but the funny thing is she doesn't look like she sounds. Not that she has a "face fit for radio". Far from it (in case she's reading this) in fact. It was just different from what she sounded, that's all. I've gotten a few "You don't look like what you sound" comments in the past and I still don't know how to react. I welcome any suggestions for replies to that kind of comments.

Okay, no focus on any particular types of music today means I can play some past requests that were put on hiatus because they didn't fit in. One shouldn't spend their lives trying to fit in. Just be yourself, be that song you were meant to be. I already have 5 songs that were suggested or requested and anything others are welcome.

See you in a bit,



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