Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Sweet Hereafter May 30: Looking to the future, all the way to 1996

Hey everyone,

As the number of shows that I have left at CFRC gets frighteningly close to single-digits, I thought that I would spend a bit of time every show to play some music from each year that I have been here (Total: x number of years). I started out at CFRC in 1996, a long, long time ago when every family still gathered around the family radio every evening to spend quality time at home. But unbeknownst to some of you, my first show at the station was actually a French show as part of CFRC's french programming. My initial interest in the station was to keep my french going and they needed some new blood in that department of the station so I joined. Eventually I fell in love with english music, and the fact that there were a few more listeners, but for that first year, I played musique en francais.

So expect a couple of my favourite french songs on the show today, as well as some cover songs I didn't get to last week, including Ryan Adams' cover of Wonderwall which I could only play partially last week.

A tantot,



At 1:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I may say, as a fellow Sci '99, given what you just said about French music, it would be fair to quote Homer Simpson:

"What a bleak horrible future we live in!!!"

This may also apply to the English music scene.

Well, it's not that bad, but the tunes just don't match what they were between 1994 through 1999 (except that it was those years that brought us Britney (shudder)).

And what is with the kids these days and their... I got nothin'. Kids these days haven't changed all that much from kids in our day, except maybe the girls show off a little more midriff and wear tighter shirts.


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