Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Sweet Hereafter May 16, 2006: Festival hoppin'

Hey superstars,

I'm happy to be back from a two-week academic exile and since science has been my companion in the last two weeks, I've decided that I'll play some songs about science...or that contain the word science in it. Surprisingly I've found 4 already and if you know of any, please send them my way. Don't worry, I'll only devote half-an-hour to it. The Sweet Hereafter is usually my escape from science!

Also, we'll talk about a group of Canadian artists who've united to set the record straight about what artists feel about the way that record companies are trying to regulate the distribution of music.

As an insider's tip to music festivals of different scales that are coming up this summer:
1. June 24: Skeleton Park Music Festival which is a great way to spend the day with friends and family in a local setting http://skeletonparkmusicfestival.ca
2. August 11-12: Just a short ferry ride away, the Wolfe Island Music festival (August 11-12) promises to be even better than last year's edition despite the lack of melodic singer-songwriter
3. July7 - 16: It might be stretching the definition of blues just a wee bit, but the Ottawa Blues Festival's lineup is phenomenal (http://www.ottawabluesfest.ca/en/) so I'll give you a taste of what to expect.

See you in a bit,



At 12:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Scientist by Coldplay should do if its not on your list already.

Anonymous guy who also had a two week science exile

At 1:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

American Science by Duran Duran, considering you and anonymous guy spent part of your two weeks in the USA!


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