Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The Sweet Hereafter Feb. 28, 2006: Leaping into the future...later this week

Hey superstars,

I was hoping to spice up this reminder to listen to our modest yet excellent station in an hour with a big announcement that this show is now available for podcasting, but I've been running into a few technical glitches. A friend of mine offered to help me on this task, but I felt like donning my Do-It-Yourself Home Depot apron and get'er done. Well, I guess I'm more technically incompetent than I thought, but mama Bui didn't raise no quitter so get'er done is what I will do, just not today. So that just means you'll have to cherish this show for what it is, an ephemeral slice of time that we get to share, but only in that instantaneous space in time when it happens. Unless you were like me as a kid, with my tape recorder and microphone, recording every episode of Transformers and falling asleep to the soothing voice of Optimus Prime and Megatron.

Just to get some music content in this email: The album Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not by the Arctic Monkeys might not be able to match the ridiculous hype that has been surrounding it, it is still a very clever and great sounding album.

See you in a bit



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